Monday, 25 July 2011

A few days of everything

So this weekend I decided to attempt to bath both kids in the same tub at the same time, yeah it was WAY easier then I had originally thought! Mckenna was so excited to be in her new ring and Landon was very excited to have someone to play with. They tried to dump each other with water a few times but hey, who wouldn't  lol. All in all that was a great and very easy experience with a few pictures here :)

They aren't ever to far apart :) 
Sunday we had a couple visitors drop by for a bit. One of my best buds and her pup Loco showed up and entertained the kiddies.  Both kids LOVE them to death and i must just say we do too! :)

Yes my friends this is my 4 year old DS with a 1 year old Pit bull! 

DD and Loco have been great friends for a while now :)

I cant say enough about this picture and how much I love it! 

And then after we went and seen Spider Man at BestBuy grand opening, a year ago Landon wouldnt have been near anything or anyone like this without mommy or daddy there too, but after Santa and the Easter bunny he has come a long ways :)  ♥

Friday, 22 July 2011

Friday night fire

So tonight we borrowed a fire pit from the neighbor, sat outside after finally getting the little princess down for the night and attempted a fire. Notice the key word of attempted.   No way would our wood burn.  We sat outside being eatten alive by bugs and waited for our "first family fire" to erupt into a wonderful night.  Well if you haven't noticed yet in my typing tone but the fire did not go AT ALL!  We had enough heat from the coles to make a few smores for LRAP while daddy and me sat and watched him enjoy (enjoying one of our own each). 

All I have to say is that after a very hot, humid, dry day and the flybites my ankles are nothing but bumps. Im sure the little creatures had a field day with me. 

                             This is only to prove we had fire lol
                    mmmmmm smores
                           we wouldn't let him have his own chair ;)
Landon very excited for our "Camp out"

Thursday, 21 July 2011

A thoughtful Thursday

First of many blogs (I hope)... Please be gentle with me as this is my first time. *LOL*

First off lets start this with I have been told many times that I could write a book with everything my now 4 year old dear son "Lrap" has ever done or said. Well I did start writting things down after missing a few exceptional questions and or comments only a curious little man would do, but then lost my book in our move last year. So now I am going to write everything here to share with all my friends, family and followers.

Today while getting my precious cargo into the car my little man asks "Mommy, how did "baby tenna" get out of your belly?" This is one question I have been awaiting yet dreading at the same time.  I am all for explaining this correctly the first time to my kids, but with a 4yr old things arent always crystal clear. So I just asked him what he had meant and he then continued with how he thought things had gone on... "Well she kicked and kicked your belly from the inside until she opened it up and Dr.O had to put it back together... (and very excitedly said) like a jigsaw puzzle" well what else could a mother with an unexpected question like this do but laugh and so thats what I did. I laughed and responded with "Yeah, something like that Buddy" ♥

 All I can say is I am very happy this is the first time he has asked such a question since his baby sister was born 6 months ago and it is a very long ways away from his thoughts that 'Mommy poops out baby tenna and then must check the toilet befor every flush because he is terrified mommy is going to flush his baby tenna down the toilet.  With all the hopes and dreams I have had while being a mother and prior I have to admit these moments are byfar the best :)